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orthogonal coordinates system中文是什么意思

用"orthogonal coordinates system"造句"orthogonal coordinates system"怎么读"orthogonal coordinates system" in a sentence


  • 正交坐标系


  • Orthogonal coordinate systems ; general concepts
  • Orthogonal coordinate systems ; differential operators of vector analysis
  • With the development of production and technology , non - orthogonal coordinate system is demanded in more and more fields
  • A mathematic model for cooling water discharge to forked bays is established by using the boundary fitted orthogonal coordinate system to simulate the complex boundaries , the full implicit coupled solution model to discrete the base equations , and the matrix chase - after method to solve the algebraic equations
  • The expression of the improved boussinesq equations in curvilinear orthogonal coordinate system is derived . on the basis of poission equation conversion , the methods to generate curvilinear orthogonal grids are introduced , and then the two - dimensional numerical wave model under curvilinear orthogonal coordinate system is established
  • I carried my research on both the two computation methods and fruitful results were obtained . for the fdtd method , i solved the instability problem of the method in the non - orthogonal coordinate system . for the pwe method , i introduce the linear transform in to calculate analytically the fourier coefficients of complicated photonic crystals
用"orthogonal coordinates system"造句  
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